Casual Yu-Gi-Oh! Night
Join us every Friday between 4-9pm for a free-to-play casual event!
This event is for those who might not be ready to join our competitive Saturday night tournaments, but also want to meet and play a few games with local Yu-Gi-Oh! players.
That being said, it is also a wonderful time to do some deck-testing, try out new decks, and trade cards with fellow players!

Friday Night Commander
Join us for Friday Night Casual Commander, free entry!
Random draws will be given out through the night. (For anyone playing MTG in any form)
Wanna up the stakes? You and 3 friends can hop in for our Pay & Play Commander pods! $10 entry each for 4 players = $50 in store credit prizes!
Open late!

FaB Friday Armory

Friday Night Magic: Standard Showdown
Join us Friday nights at 6:30pm for Friday Night Magic: Standard Showdown!
Entry is $10.
Every entrant puts two Set/Play Booster Packs into the Prize Pool.

Journey Together Prerelease
With deep trust and steady guidance, Trainers help bring out the best in their Pokémon. The bond they share empowers them to act as one in battle as they push their strength to the limit, including as Pokémon ex!
New to the TCG? No problem! For prerelease events, all players will construct a 40-card deck on the spot using a Build-and-Battle Kit. All players will also receive up to three additional Journey Together booster packs for playing in each round of the event.

SWU: Jump to Lightspeed Release Weekend Booster Draft
Join us for our release weekend booster draft of Star Wars Unlimited: Jump to Lightspeed!
Saturday March 15th - The action starts at 6:00pm!
Entry is $20.85+tax
For all the details on how to draft Star Wars Unlimited, check out - https://starwarsunlimited.com/how-to-play?chapter=draft-play